Autism Unveiled: being a genuine cyber troll

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In the expansive landscape of online interactions, the term “cyber troll” carries a unique resonance. For someone with autism, this digital realm might offer an unexpected refuge, providing a peculiar form of social engagement. Let’s delve into the intricate layers of this phenomenon, exploring how autism can unknowingly push individuals to the edge of being a genuine cyber troll.

Being a genuine cyber troll, is it something common when having autism?

Navigating the Digital Realm

Being a genuine cyber troll involves intentionally stirring conflict and provocation online. As an individual with autism, the allure of this unconventional engagement can be surprisingly tempting. The slow-paced nature of digital communication allows for a more measured interaction, aligning with the autistic preference for thoughtful responses.

Autism’s Impact on Online Dynamics

Diagnosed at 41, my journey into understanding autism also uncovered a personal revelation – the realization of being on the brink of cyber trolling. Autism’s influence on communication, often direct and unfiltered, can inadvertently lead to behaviors that align with trolling tendencies. Let’s dissect the intersection of autism and cyber trolling to unveil the nuances within.

Being a Genuine Cyber Troll: My Personal Reflections

A few years ago, I found myself on the edge of being a genuine cyber troll. I realized I received the most “reward” when skirting controversy. My diagnosis, which makes me straightforward and somewhat insensitive, complicates matters. The reward, of course, refers to the satisfaction of being acknowledged as a human being. Being on the edge, or even beyond, the controversial line brings attention on forums and social media. While it might not be the desired attention, negative responses are equally satisfying when online positivity is lacking.

Looking back at my old posts with the insight into my diagnosis, I realize my expressions were often clumsy. I comprehend my intentions with diagnosis lenses, but I acknowledge being a provocateur when others read my words and try to understand the underlying meaning. Reflecting on my past online interactions, the phrase “Being a genuine cyber troll” surfaces as a poignant descriptor. While not intentionally seeking controversy, I recognize moments where my communication style unintentionally edged toward provocative. Understanding these nuances sheds light on the intricacies of being a genuine cyber troll without deliberate intent.

The Gray Area Between being a genuine cyber troll and an Advocate

Observing various autism forums, I noticed many with the diagnosis bordering on cyber trolling. It’s likely not something they consciously think about, but they find themselves in the gray area between troll and helpful contributor. The way they express themselves might work within the context of their diagnosis but can appear provocative to others.

Autism introduces a unique perspective to online forums frequented by those with the diagnosis. Many individuals, myself included, often find themselves in the gray area between troll and helpful contributor. Being a genuine cyber troll inadvertently while attempting to contribute positively.

The Emotional Satisfaction of Trolling

Autism’s impact on social interactions can lead to isolation. Being a genuine cyber troll, even in a negative light, provides a dose of social interaction. This unusual satisfaction, while not ideal, becomes a form of engagement that, for those with autism, holds a peculiar appeal.

This realization led me to ponder how many cyber trolls might actually have a diagnosis. I believe a significant number do, diagnosed or undiagnosed. Perhaps, trolls, by nature, struggle with social interactions and crave more social engagement, especially if they isolate themselves due to social awkwardness. In my case, being a “cyber troll” provided a dose of social interaction, even if negative, which is better than none at all.

A Personal Journey of Apology and Transformation

Looking back at my digital footprint, I acknowledge the potential discomfort my words might have caused. The phrase “Being a genuine cyber troll” serves as a catalyst for self-reflection and an earnest apology to those unintentionally affected. The journey forward involves a commitment to transforming online interactions into positive engagements, both as a digital contributor and in real-life interactions.

The underlying meaning in communication, often grasped effortlessly by most, requires ample time and contemplation for me due to my diagnosis. My straightforward and clear posts can easily be misinterpreted. With this realization, I hope to extend an apology to those I may have offended unintentionally. It’s not a perfect excuse, but I commit to being a kinder troll in future social interactions, both online and in real life.


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