10 Powerful Realities – Impacting The Daily Lives Of Adults With Autism

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Through my Autism blog, I strive to comprehend both myself and my surroundings, navigating life with an unconventional starting point

Born in 1977, I carry the diagnosis of high-functioning autism, providing me with a unique perspective on the world. Through my Autism blog, initiated in January 2023, I strive to comprehend both myself and my surroundings, navigating life with an unconventional starting point. Today I aim to help you open your eyes for ten things that affects me and other with Autism every day.

1. Social Interaction Challenges: Individuals with high-functioning autism often face difficulties deciphering social codes and interactions. The intricacies of body language and facial expressions become elusive, hindering relationship building and social understanding.

2. Routines and Adaptations: Establishing fixed routines becomes a necessity for those with high-functioning autism, fostering a sense of security. Any disruptions to these routines can induce stress and anxiety, impacting their daily lives significantly.

3. Sensory Overload Struggles: Heightened sensitivity to stimuli such as sounds, lights, smells, and touch can create overwhelming environments. Negotiating these sensory overloads becomes a daily challenge, influencing how individuals engage with their surroundings.

4. Immersive Special Interests: High-functioning autistic individuals often harbor intense interests in specific areas, demanding substantial time and energy. Finding like-minded individuals who share these passions can prove challenging, adding a layer of complexity to their social connections.

Implicit expectations and workplace or classroom rules may pose comprehension challenges

5. Work and Education Adjustments: Adapting to work and educational environments that require social interaction and flexibility can be arduous. Implicit expectations and workplace or classroom rules may pose comprehension challenges, affecting their professional and academic pursuits.

6. Communication Hurdles: Expressing thoughts and emotions verbally or understanding nuances in communication can be challenging. Autistic individuals may encounter difficulty in maintaining conversations, navigating the intricate dance of verbal interaction.

7. Empathy and Understanding: Grasping and empathizing with others’ emotions and perspectives may present challenges. High-functioning autistic individuals might find it difficult to connect with the emotional experiences of those around them.

8. Self-Regulation Struggles: Managing and regulating one’s emotions and behaviors can be daunting. Difficulties in self-regulation may lead to emotional outbursts and complex situations, impacting both personal and social aspects of their lives.

9. Transition Challenges: Handling transitions and changes between activities and environments can provoke stress and unease. High-functioning autistic individuals may find it challenging to smoothly navigate shifts, affecting their overall well-being.

10. Sleep Disruptions: Sleep-related issues, such as difficulty falling asleep or maintaining a consistent sleep pattern, often arise. Sensory sensitivities and other autism-related factors can contribute to sleep disturbances, influencing their daily energy levels.

Personal Reflection

Not even trying to count the sheeps helps sometimes…

For my part, the current focal point of my challenges lies in disrupted sleep patterns, leading to a certain fatigue during the day. Being mentally exhausted while grappling with social cues can create significant friction between myself and the world around me. My wife humorously refers to her quirks as “Age Tourettes,” where she says eccentric things, fully aware and unfazed by others’ opinions. In my case, when I’m tired, I reckon I suffer from “Autism Tourettes” – blurting out quirky, unfiltered statements without a second thought. Oddly enough, I don’t even realize I’ve done it.

Living with autism evolves into a lifestyle for many. Personally, post-diagnosis, I’ve adjusted how I navigate group dynamics and social situations. Now, my focus is on minimizing the impact of my shortcomings on daily life. It’s just simpler that way. How does your diagnosis influence your daily life? Feel free to share your thoughts.


Living with autism transforms into a lifestyle for many. My own journey has prompted a shift in how I engage in group settings and social contexts post-diagnosis. Striving to minimize the influence of my shortcomings on daily life has become a priority—a simpler approach to navigate the complexities of everyday existence.

If you share a similar diagnosis, I encourage you to share your experiences. How does autism affect your daily life? Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.

About the Author: Born in 1977, diagnosed with high-functioning autism, my blog serves as a compass for self-discovery since January 2023, offering insights into my unique perspective on the world. https://autisticweekly.com/about/


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